AIMOS Commendation Awards

AIMOS will distribute Commendation Awards to recognise contributions/activities aiming to improve research in any field. Anyone can make an unlimited number of nominations (including self-nominations) of either individuals or teams. Nominators and nominees can be based anywhere in the world. AIMOS particularly encourages nominations of individuals or teams from historically marginalised or underrepresented groups (e.g. women, racial or ethnic minorities, people with disabilities or caring responsibilities) and of contributions/activities that might have been overlooked by other awards.

Types of contributions/activities which are eligible for nomination (this list is non-exhaustive):

  • A body of research evaluating the quality of research in any field (e.g. study investigating the frequency of errors in statistical analyses conducted, transparency of reporting, or reproducibility or replicability of results)

  • Blog or podcast providing recommendations on how to improve research in any field

  • Activities to expose research fraud or wrongdoing

  • Activism or outreach activities designed to improve research in any field

  • Tools (e.g. checklists, software packages) to facilitate or promote open/reproducible research practices

  • Exemplary critique or correction of one’s own or others’ research

Application process

To apply, please complete the following application form, where you can provide:

  • A brief description of the contribution/activity, including how it contributes to improving research (max. 200 words)

  • Links to relevant information about the contribution/activity

  • Names and email addresses of the person or group responsible for the contribution/activity

Applications will be considered year-round. All information included in the nomination form will be stored on the AIMOS Google Drive.

Selection process

Applications will be reviewed independently by two AIMOS Board members and judged as either eligible or not, with any disagreements resolved by discussion among the reviewers. Reviewers will be assigned so that they will not assess any nominations they may have a conflict of interest with (e.g. current or former students, recent collaborators). Reviewers might consult additional publicly available material about the contribution/activity to confirm eligibility. All nominations judged as eligible will receive an AIMOS Commendation Award. Award winners will be notified via email.

Expectations of the winning nominees

The winners must agree to have their name and a link to relevant information about the contribution/activity placed on the AIMOS website.