Glenn Begley

Dr C. Glenn Begley is a clinical haematologist and medical oncologist, whose academic and commercial roles include board level and senior positions in Australia, the USA and the UK. Prior to joining BioCurate, Dr Begley held the position of Chief Scientific Officer at Akriveia Therapeutics (Califormia), Chief Scientific Officer at TetraLogic Pharmaceuticals (Pennsylvania) and , from 2002-2012, Vice-President and Global Head of Hematology/Oncology Research at Amgen. During this time, he became interested in the issue of research integrity and scientific reproducibility.Before joining Amgen, Dr Begley had over 20 years of clinical experience in medical oncology and hematology. His personal research focused on regulation of hematopoietic cells and translational clinical trials. Dr Begley studied Medicine at undergraduate and postgraduate level at The University of Melbourne.