Rachael West

Affiliations: The University of Sydney Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School & Kids Research, The Children's Hospital at Westmead

Poster title: Identifying biomedical literature containing erroneous nucleotide sequences using a targeted and screening approach

Abstract: Biomedical literature describing erroneous nucleotide sequence reagents could reduce research reproducibility. We therefore developed the semi-automatic fact-checking tool Seek & Blastn (SB) to verify the targeting/non-targeting status of published nucleotide sequences. We identified two corpora for SB analysis using targeted (key words to identify single gene knockdown (SGK) papers), and screening approaches (Gene journal papers from 2007-2018). SB analysis, supported by manual verification, detected 104/174 (60%) SGK papers and 262/933 (28.1%) Gene papers containing nucleotide sequence errors. Incorrect reagents may therefore represent a hidden problem within biomedical literature.

